In the last years, I addressed several research topics in the field of agricultural robotics, in most cases within the Flourish research project (European Community's Horizon 2020 programme).
Flourish is a project of precision agriculture that aims to reduce the amount of herbicides used to control weeds by means of the use of robotics and artificial intelligence technologies. A flying robot (UAV) and an autonomous ground vehicle (UGV) cooperate in an almost fully automated way to monitor the crop and to precisely remove the weeds. The UAV is in charge to fly over and inspect the crops from the sky, the UGV uses the information provided by the UAV in order to reach and remove the detected weeds.
In this context, at Sapienza, University of Rome we developed novel solutions to tackle effectively different perception and navigation tasks, among others, crop and weed classification with convolutional neural networks and synthetic datasets, robust global localization with multi-sensor data fusion, and UAV-UGV collaborative 3D environment reconstruction.
We also made available the datasets we collected, and some software packages we developed at Sapienza within the Flourish project:
@article{prettoRAM2021, author={Alberto Pretto and St{\'e}phanie Aravecchia and Wolfram Burgard and Nived Chebrolu and Christian Dornhege and Tillmann Falck and Freya Fleckenstein and Alessandra Fontenla and Marco Imperoli and Raghav Khanna and Frank Liebisch and Philipp Lottes and Andres Milioto and Daniele Nardi and Sandro Nardi and Johannes Pfeifer and Marija Popovi{\'{c}} and Ciro Potena and C{\'e}dric Pradalier and Elisa Rothacker-Feder and Inkyu Sa and Alexander Schaefer and Roland Siegwart and Cyrill Stachniss and Achim Walter and Wera Winterhalter and Xiaolong Wu and Juan Nieto}, journal={IEEE Robotics \& Automation Magazine}, title={Building an Aerial-Ground Robotics System for Precision Farming: An Adaptable Solution}, year={2021}, volume={28}, number={3}, pages={29--49}, doi={10.1109/MRA.2020.3012492}}
@article{fppbnRAS2021, title = {Multi-Spectral Image Synthesis for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming}, author = {Mulham Fawakherji and Ciro Potena and Alberto Pretto and Domenico D. Bloisi and Daniele Nardi}, journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, volume = {146}, pages = {103861}, year = {2021}, issn = {0921-8890}, doi = {}}
@article{fybpn_IJRC2020, title={Crop and Weed Classification Using Pixel-wise Segmentation on Ground and Aerial Images}, author={Fawakherji, Mulham and Youssef,Ali and Bloisi, Domenico D. and Pretto, Alberto and Nardi, Daniele}, journal={International Journal of Robotic Computing}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, pages = {39--57}, doi={10.35708/RC1869-126258} }
@article{pknsnp_RA-L2019, title={{A}gri{C}ol{M}ap: {A}erial-Ground Collaborative {3D} Mapping for Precision Farming}, author={Potena, Ciro and Khanna, Raghav and Nieto, Juan and Siegwart, Roland and Nardi, Daniele and Pretto, Alberto}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, year = {2019}, pages = {1085--1092}, doi={10.1109/LRA.2019.2894468} }
@inproceedings{fybpn_IRC_2019, author={Fawakherji, Mulham and Youssef,Ali and Bloisi, Domenico D. and Pretto, Alberto and Nardi, Daniele}, title = {Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation}, booktitle = {Proc. of the {IEEE} International Conference on Robotic Computing ({IRC})}, year = {2019}, doi={10.1109/IRC.2019.00029} }
@article{ipngp_RA-L2018, title={An Effective Multi-Cue Positioning System for Agricultural Robotics}, author={Imperoli, Marco and Potena, Ciro and Nardi, Daniele and Grisetti, Giorgio and Pretto, Alberto}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, year = {2018}, pages = {3685--3692}, doi={10.1109/LRA.2018.2855052} }
@inproceedings{dpgp_IROS2017, author = {Di Cicco, Maurilio and Potena, Ciro and Grisetti, Giorgio and Pretto, Alberto}, title = {Automatic Model Based Dataset Generation for Fast and Accurate Crop and Weeds Detection}, booktitle = {Proc. of the {IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems ({IROS})}, year = {2017} }
@inproceedings{pnp_ias2016, author={Potena, C. and Nardi, D. and Pretto, A.}, title={Fast and Accurate Crop and Weed Identification with Summarized Train Sets for Precision Agriculture}, booktitle={Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-14)}, year={2016} }
The calibration of sensors and sensor ensembles is an active task in my research activity. Among others, we have developed a novel protocol to calibrate Inertial measurement units (IMUs) based on the multi-position scheme, and a novel calibration framework to calibrate both the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of a general color-depth sensor couple.
@article{bmp_T-RO2018, title={Robust Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of {RGB-D} Cameras}, author={Basso, Filippo and Menegatti, Emanuele and Pretto, Alberto}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics}, title={Robust Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of RGB-D Cameras}, year={2018}, volume={34}, number={5}, pages={1315-1332}, doi={10.1109/TRO.2018.2853742} }
@inproceedings{pg_imeko2014, title={Calibration and performance evaluation of low-cost IMUs}, author={Pretto, A. and Grisetti, G.}, booktitle={Proc. of: 20th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium}, year={2014}, pages={429--434} }
@inproceedings{tpm_icra2014, title={A Robust and Easy to Implement Method for IMU Calibration without External Equipments}, author={Tedaldi, A. and Pretto, A. and Menegatti, E.}, booktitle={Proc. of: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year={2014}, pages={3042--3049} }
@inproceedings{bassoICRA2014, title={Unsupervised Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera-Depth Sensor Couple}, author={Basso, F. and Pretto, A. and Menegatti, E.}, booktitle={Proc. of: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year={2014}, pages={6244--6249} }
I'm working in the field of industrial robotics addressing several perception related problems, among others object detection and localization, active perception, sensor design, and object manipulation. In this context, I also coordinated the FlexSight (Flexible and Accurate Recognition and Localization System of Deformable Objects for Pick&Place Robots) research project, funded by the European Community's project ECHORD++. The goal of FlexSight is to design a perception system based on an integrated smart camera (the FlexSight sensor, FSS) that is able to recognize and localize several types of deformable objects that can be commonly found in many industrial and logistic applications.
@inproceedings{eip_METROIND_2019, author={Evangelista, Daniele and Imperoli, Marco and and Menegatti, Emanuele and Pretto, Alberto}, title = {{FlexSight} - {A} Flexible and Accurate System for Object Detection and Localization for Industrial Robots}, booktitle = {Proc. of the {IEEE} International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and {IoT}}, year = {2019}, doi={10.1109/METROI4.2019.8792902} }
@inproceedings{eimp_ARW-OAGM2019, author={Evangelista, Daniele and Imperoli, Marco and Menegatti, Emanuele and Pretto, Alberto}, title = {Machine Vision for Embedded Devices: from Synthetic Object Detection to Pyramidal Stereo Matching}, booktitle = {Proc. of the ARW & OAGM Workshop}, year = {2019}, doi={10.3217/978-3-85125-663-5-08} }
@inproceedings{evan_HRI-CME2017, author = {Evangelista, Daniele and Villa, Wilson Umberto and Imperoli, Marco and Vanzo, Andrea and Iocchi, Luca and Nardi, Daniele and Pretto, Alberto}, title = {Grounding Natural Language Instructions in Industrial Robotics}, booktitle = {Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop "Human-Robot Interaction in Collaborative Manufacturing Environments (HRI-CME)"}, year = {2017} }
@inproceedings{miap_icvs2015, author={Imperoli, M. and Pretto, A.}, title={{D\textsuperscript{2}CO}: Fast and Robust Registration of {3D} Textureless Objects Using the {Directional Chamfer Distance}}, booktitle={Proc. of 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2015)}, year={2015}, pages={316--328} }
@article{miap_arxiv2016, title={Active Detection and Localization of Textureless Objects in Cluttered Environments}, author={Imperoli, Marco and Pretto, Alberto}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.07022}, year={2016} }
@inproceedings{prettoCASE2013, title={Flexible 3D Localization of Planar Objects for Industrial Bin-Picking with Monocamera Vision System}, author={Pretto, A. and Tonello, S. and Menegatti, E.}, booktitle={Proc. of: IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)}, year={2013}, pages={168 -- 175} }
Recently I'm addressing the problem of vision based navigation of autonomous UAVs. In particular, we have proposed new control solutions based on the Non-linear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC) that aim to enable an UAV to follow a trajectory while constantly facing a target object or landmark, and to reduce the discretization error of the NMPC while keeping bounded the number of discretization points.
@inproceedings{pnp_ECMR2019, author = {Potena, Ciro and Nardi, Daniele and Pretto, Alberto}, title = {Joint Vision-Based Navigation, Control and Obstacle Avoidance for {UAVs} in Dynamic Environments}, booktitle = {Proc. of the European Conference on Mobile Robots ({ECMR})}, year = {2019}, doi={10.1109/ECMR.2019.8870944} }
@inproceedings{pdcSIMPAR2018, author = {Potena, Ciro and Della Corte, Bartolo and Nardi, Daniele and Grisetti, Giorgio and Pretto, Alberto}, title = {Non-Linear Model Predictive Control with Adaptive Time-Mesh Refinement}, booktitle = {{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}imulation, {M}odeling and {P}rogramming for {A}utonomous {R}obots ({SIMPAR})}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{potenaECMR2017, author = {Potena, Ciro and Nardi, Daniele and Pretto, Alberto}, title = {Effective Target Aware Visual Navigation for UAVs}, booktitle = {Proc. of the European Conference on Mobile Robots ({ECMR})}, year = {2017} }